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"Acrophobia and other anxiety disorders can have an explosive and alarming development . . . an "overload" to the nervous system. . .

The scenario for A indicates a rapid progression and future outbursts of acrophobia are likely. . ."

  a random scene   A WAREHOUSE / VIDEO

The clothes from still sequence are draped on hangers on a rail.

In close-ups Anna takes a sharp scissor and starts to cut the clothes in pieces.

The act gets more and more violent. In the end she throws the scissors away and rips the pieces apart.

Anna sits by a sewing-machine. The pieces of cloth are sewn together in a new form. She works concentrated on the patchwork. Looks like a collage.

The finished dress is placed on a dummy. Anna dances around with the lifelike dummy, almost like a doll.

Suddenly Anna stands on top of a ladder. Dressed in the new clothes. Looks down and the floor comes rushing towards her. She swirls, looses control. She lies on the floor. Legs spread out, unconscious.