SEARCH OF THE MILITANT CODE tells the story of journalist
Tom Hasper who sets out to investigate a group of female hackers and
graffiti artists. The story was created as a piece of investigative
journalism, a mix of pure fiction, theoretical views and facts sampled
from www sources.
“Media still delivers facts and stories through conventional
channels. All information - even the digitally stored - must be processed
and transferred via different reproductive media. This in an age when
scientists researching memo techniques are getting close to master the
ultimate form of communication; being able to scan the human mind for
information, opening a direct tap from the flow of images, scents and
emotional experiences stored in the grey brain wrinkles of every individual.
The future journalist are more than a communicator, she/he IS the media.
"The art of being there" will be a reality for all with access
to the technology of tapping into a reporters memory storage.”
Quote from the original story written by Thore Soneson as a piece
of investigative journalism.
In the 3D modelled world Abadyl with social, political and aesthetical
statements and description of characters and lifestyles, originally
created by artist Michael Johansson, we meet an investigative reporter
who tries to set up an interview with a female graffiti artist.
A digitally enacted and constructed narrative, using a mix between realistic
video shots in real life settings, set design created environments,
still images and mobile phone mpeg movies with 3D created textures and
animated setups from the world Abadyl.

The narrative are constructed using multiple storylines. A mediacritical
level develops parallel as the actual events enfolding. The different
levels of narration are –
• the present real time now, the
reporter investigate, makes notes, and travels through underground and
wasteland settings. A mix of subjective images, mobile phone images
and sound notes made on the spot.
• an emotional involvement between
the reporter Tom Hasper and the graffiti artist CODE set up as memory
flashback sequences.
• on the spot impressions from the
female artists work and thoughts, a cut-up interview sampled from actual
electronic activists.
• a story in a television magazine
show put together of the secret graffiti artists messages and actions
and the omnipotent news editors view of the events.
In this version of IN SEARCH OF THE MILITANT CODE we present a short
movie in a traditional linear story mode for screening and on-line viewing,
14.55 minutes length.
The shot image material consist of a series of scenes and sequences
that in a future expanded version will be produced for viewing in an
installation form with four screens; an interactive story room with
database structure controlled by means of digital tracking devices.