Platsen där IN
SEARCH OF THE MILITANT CODE utspelar sig är en
3D animerad stad, ABADYL,
en digital värld konstruerad av konstnären Michael Johansson.
Abadyl är ett pågående konstprojekt där han bjuder
in andra konstnärer, arkitekter, speldesigners och kreatörer
att fylla delar av sin skapade värld med innehåll eller använda
den för att iscensätta berättelser. Som detta filmiska
projekt som utvecklats till en självständig produktion. Det
stora konstprojektet presenteras närmre på Michael Johanssons
blog och webbsida
Här följer en introduktion till hur ABADYL är konstruerad.
ABADYL / Building a world
In Abadyl the overall idea is to explore a complex digital space in
a setting that invites to participation. Abadyl has over the years developed
to a detailed and complex, yet open setting that can be utilized in
order to generate scenarios for the temporary co-creators of Abadyl,
who would then interact in an optional environment, in the end producing
new artefacts.
In Abadyl the intention is not to establish a so called great narrative,
but inspiration has been retrieved from the art of novel writing and
its practice in constructing worlds. In “Postscript to the Name
of the Rose”, Umberto Eco writes on the generative logic he has
adopted, a logic both limiting and expanding creativity. The fundamental
parameters guide what can and what cannot be included in a fictional
but historically plausible universe.
In The City of Abadyl we have chosen to focus more on the generative
itself in this logic; that is to say, it is not about parameters resulting
in a watertight consistent universe, but the main interest is in what
can be generated from a large number of predetermined parameters.
The comprehensive parameters are as follows: 16, 7, 100
16. The locations constituting the starting point are sixteen in number,
and were initially held apart. But as the reference bulk was collected
and travels increased, the idea emerged of uniting these enclaves into
a connected city. As joining infrastructure a series of sixteen Formula
One- tracks was chosen, piled on top of each other to a joint figure.
Hence aiming to expose architecture and cityscape to extreme strain
(= life, unpredictability).
A map over ABADYL / Michael Johansson
7. To subsequently fill the city with objects and create a disposition,
a system was installed, a scale classification by the following:
Scale 1-7 theory
1. Environment
2. Building
3. Room
4. Furniture
5. Tool
6. Interface
7. Idea
100. In the various quarters of the city 100 objects would be found,
each devised in a way that constituted an elegant description and was
manifesting the aspects of their very own district. In this way we happened
to examine our original objects once again, when we were depicting them
in every detail. To be very thorough in investigating its form, visualises
other layers in the object and creates conditions for both deconstruction
and new narratives. To force out its meaning by depicting/modelling
– to sort of philosophize from the street up.
Characters, keywords:
In each quarter focus is set on a certain individual, a destiny. Each
of these characters is equipped with a keyword list, features which
she/he will be exposed to and relate to.
One example of this is the short desciption below
of Area: Neebi taken from A city guide (Abadyl) (written by Victoria
Sundin, Jenny Svensson, Jon Ovander and Anders Tenggren, students at
Interaktionsdesign course at K3, Malmo university.)
9. Area: Neebi
Neebi was built from the start in order to offer more people a possibility
to live in the town. The characteristic architecture styles is the 50`s.
The inhabitants in Neebi is not directly religious nowadays, despite
that the in Neebi exists a big church. In Neebi there are several alternative
businesses. One also knows that Neebi is the basis for feminist graffiti
groups, although they are rarely spotted. The is extremely dexterous
on holding themselves hidden and anonymous. For an outsider is the difficult
to hold something classified for a people here. Many in Neebi, above
all hackers, have a poor, or rather almost none costing attitude. This
has meant that they are extreme thin.
SKILLS: Story, activism, illustration
ADVANTAGES: Immunity against disease, battle reflexes
DISADVANTAGES: Thin, easy manipulated